66 références
Année 2024
- Nanoscale dielectric properties of TiO2 in SiO2 nanocomposite deposited by hybrid PECVD method.
C. Villeneuve-Faure, M. Mitronika, A P. Dan, L. Boudou, W. Ravisy, M P. Besland, M. Richard-Plouet and A. Goullet. Nano Ex. 2024, 5, 015010
- Control of microstructure and composition of reactively sputtered vanadium nitride thin films based on hysteresis curves and application to microsupercapacitors.
Allan Lebreton, Marie-Paule Besland, Pierre-Yves Jouan, Tatiana Signe, Cedric Mannequin, Mireille Richard-Plouet, Maryline Le Granvalet, Christophe Lethien, Thierry Brousse and Jeremy Barbe. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 2024, 42, 023405
Année 2023
- Enhancing the Resistive Memory Window through Band Gap Tuning in Solid Solution (Cr1-xVx)2O3.
Michael Rodriguez-Fano, Mohamad Haydoura, Julien Tranchant, Etienne Janod, Benoit Corraze, Pierre-Yves Jouan, Laurent Cario and Marie-Paule Besland. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 54611-54621
- Electron-enhanced high power impulse magnetron sputtering with a multilevel high power supply: Application to Ar/Cr plasma discharge.
J. Zgheib, L. Berthelot, J. Tranchant, N. Ginot, M -P. Besland, A. Caillard, T. Minea, A. Rhallabi and P -Y. Jouan. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 2023, 41, 063003
- Comprehensive characterization of Al-doped ZnO thin films deposited in confocal radio frequency magnetron co-sputtering.
Fatiha Challali, Tahar Touam, Valerie Bockelee, Thierry Chauveau, Azeddine Chelouche, Nicolas Stephant, Jonathan Hamon and Marie-Paule Besland. Thin Solid Films 2023, 780, 139947
Année 2021
Année 2020
- Control of stoichiometry and morphology in polycrystalline V(2)O(3)thin films using oxygen buffers.
Jonathan A J. Rupp, Benoit Corraze, Marie-Paule Besland, Laurent Cario, Julien Tranchant, Dirk J. Wouters, Rainer Waser and Etienne Janod. J. Mater. Sci. 2020, 55, 14717-14727
- Effect of RF sputtering power and vacuum annealing on the properties of AZO thin films prepared from ceramic target in confocal configuration.
Fatiha Challali, Djelloul Mendil, Tahar Touam, Thierry Chauveau, Valerie Bockelee, Alexis Garcia Sanchez, Azeddine Chelouche and Marie-Paule Besland. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2020, 118, 105217
- Competition between V2O3 phases deposited by one-step reactive sputtering process on polycrystalline conducting electrode.
J A J. Rupp, E. Janod, M -P. Besland, B. Corraze, A. Kindsmüller, M. Querre, J. Tranchant, L. Cario, R. Dittmann, R. Waser and D J. Wouters. Thin Solid Films 2020, 705, 138063
Année 2018
- Thin films of binary amorphous Zn-Zr alloys developed by magnetron co-sputtering for the production of degradable coronary stents: A preliminary study.
Nathalie Annonay, Fatiha Challali, Marie-Noelle Labour, Valerie Bockelee, A. Garcia-Sanchez, Florent Tetard, Marie-Paule Besland, Philippe Djemia and Frederic Chaubet. Bioact. Mater. 2018, 3, 385-388
- Mott insulators: A large class of materials for Leaky Integrate and Fire (LIF) artificial neuron.
Coline Adda, Benoit Corraze, Pablo Stoliar, Pascale Diener, Julien Tranchant, Agathe Filatre-Furcate, Marc Fourmigue, Dominique Lorcy, Marie-Paule Besland, Etienne Janod and Laurent Cario. J. Appl. Phys. 2018, 124, 152124
- How a dc Electric Field Drives Mott Insulators Out of Equilibrium.
P. Diener, E. Janod, B. Corraze, M. Querre, C. Adda, M. Guilloux-Viry, S. Cordier, A. Camjayi, M. Rozenberg, M P. Besland and L. Cario. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 121, 016601
- Non-volatile resistive switching in the Mott insulator (V1-xCrx)(2)O-3.
M. Querre, J. Tranchant, B. Corraze, S. Cordier, V. Bouquet, S. Deputier, M. Guilloux-Viry, M -P. Besland, E. Janod and L. Cario. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2018, 536, 327-330
- Different threshold and bipolar resistive switching mechanisms in reactively sputtered amorphous undoped and Cr-doped vanadium oxide thin films.
Jonathan A J. Rupp, Madec Querre, Andreas Kindsmueller, Marie-Paule Besland, Etienne Janod, Regina Dittmann, Rainer Waser and Dirk J. Wouters. J. Appl. Phys. 2018, 123, 044502
Année 2017
Control of Resistive Switching in Mott Memories Based on TiN/AM(4)Q(8)/TiN MIM Devices .
J. Tranchant, J. Sandrini, E. Janod, D. Sacchetto, B. Corraze, M -P. Besland, J. Ghanbaja, G. De Micheli, P -E. Gaillardon, L. Cario, S. Shingubara, Z. Karim, B. MagyariKope, H. Shima, H. Kubota, J G. Park, K. Kobayashi, L. Goux, G. Bersuker and Y. Saito. Nonvolatile {Memories} 5 2017, 27, 3-12
- An artificial neuron founded on resistive switching of Mott insulators.
Coline Adda, Julien Tranchant, Pablo Stoliar, Benoit Corraze, Etienne Janod, Ralph Gay, Roger Llopis, Marie-Paule Besland, Luis E. Hueso and Laurent Cario. 2017 {Ieee} 9th {International} {Memory} {Workshop} (imw) 2017, 27, 149-152
- A Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Analog Realized with a Mott Insulator.
Pablo Stoliar, Julien Tranchant, Benoit Corraze, Etienne Janod, Marie-Paule Besland, Federico Tesler, Marcelo Rozenberg and Laurent Cario. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1604740
Année 2016
- Metal-insulator transitions in (V1-xCrx)(2)O-3 thin films deposited by reactive direct current magnetron co-sputtering.
Madec Querre, Etienne Janod, Laurent Cario, Julien Tranchant, Benoit Corraze, Valérie Bouquet, Stephanie Deputier, Stephane Cordier, Maryline Guilloux-Viry and Marie-Paule Besland. Thin Solid Films 2016, 617, 56-62
- Structural and dielectric characterization of sputtered Tantalum Titanium Oxide thin films for high temperature capacitor applications.
A. Rouahi, F. Challali, I. Dakhlaoui, C. Vallee, S. Salimy, F. Jomni, B. Yangui, M P. Besland, A. Goullet and A. Sylvestre. Thin Solid Films 2016, 606, 127-132
Année 2015
- From resistive switching mechanisms in AM(4)Q(8) Mott insulators to Mott memories.
J. Tranchant, E. Janod, B. Corraze, M -P. Besland and L. Cario. 2015 {Ieee} 7th {International} {Memory} {Workshop} (imw) 2015, 26, 97-100
- Control of resistive switching in AM(4)Q(8) narrow gap Mott insulators: A first step towards neuromorphic applications.
Julien Tranchant, Etienne Janod, Benoit Corraze, Pablo Stoliar, Marcelo Rozenberg, Marie-Paule Besland and Laurent Cario. Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Mat. 2015, 212, 239-244
- Studies of CdS/CdTe interface: Comparison of CdS films deposited by close space sublimation and chemical bath deposition techniques.
Jun-feng Han, Gan-hua Fu, V. Krishnakumar, Hermann-Josef Schimper, Cheng Liao, Wolfram Jaegermann and M P. Besland. Thin Solid Films 2015, 582, 290-294
- Surface evolution of sputtered Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 thin films under various annealing temperatures.
Jun-feng Han, Liang-qi Ouyang, Da-ming Zhuang, Ming Zhao, Cheng Liao, Jiang Liu, Limei Cha and M -P. Besland. J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. Electron. 2015, 26, 4840-4847
- Synthesis of CdS with Large Band Gap Values by a Simple Route at Room Temperature.
Li Hui, Liu Xiang-Xin, Zhang Yu-Feng, Du Zhong-Ming, Yang Biao, Han Jun-feng and Marie-Paule Besland. Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 2015, 31, 1338-1344
- Resistive Switching in Mott Insulators and Correlated Systems.
Etienne Janod, Julien Tranchant, Benoit Corraze, Madec Querre, Pablo Stoliar, Marcelo Rozenberg, Tristan Cren, Dimitri Roditchev, Vinh Ta Phuoc, Marie-Paule Besland and Laurent Cario. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 6287-6305
- Investigation of oxide layer on CdTe film surface and its effect on the device performance.
Han Jun-feng, Xiao Liu, Cha Li-mei, Jonathan Hamon and M P. Besland. Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process 2015, 40, 402-406
Année 2014
- Electric Pulse Induced Resistive Switching in the Narrow Gap Mott Insulator GaMo4S8.
Valérie Bouquet, Laurent Cario, Stephane Cordier, Maryline Guilloux-Viry, Madec Querre, Benoit Corraze, Etienne Janod, Marie Paule Besland, Julien Tranchant and Michel Potel. Inorganic and Environmental Materials 2014, 495, 135-140
- Deposition of GaV4S8 thin films by H2S/Ar reactive sputtering for ReRAM applications.
J. Tranchant, A. Pellaroque, E. Janod, B. Angleraud, B. Corraze, L. Cario and M -P. Besland. J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 2014, 47, 065309
- Investigation of chalcopyrite film growth at various temperatures, analyses from top to the bottom of the thin films.
Jun-feng Han, Cheng Liao, Tao Jiang, Hua-mu Xie, Kui Zhao and M -P. Besland. J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. Electron. 2014, 25, 2237-2243
- A study of different selenium sources in the synthesis processes of chalcopyrite semiconductors.
Jun-feng Han, Cheng Liao, Eric Gautron, Tao Jiang, Hua-mu Xie, Kui Zhao and M -P. Besland. Vacuum 2014, 105, 46-51
- TEM and XPS studies on CdS/CIGS interfaces.
Jun-feng Han, Cheng Liao, Li-mei Cha, Tao Jiang, Hua-mu Xie, Kui Zhao and M -P. Besland. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2014, 75, 1279-1283
- Raman and XPS studies of CIGS/Mo interfaces under various annealing temperatures.
Junfeng Han, Liangqi Ouyang, Daming Zhuang, Cheng Liao, Jiang Liu, Ming Zhao, Li-mei Cha and M -P. Besland. Mater. Lett. 2014, 136, 278-281
Année 2013
- Electrical Characteristics of TiTaO Thin Films Deposited on SiO2/Si Substrates by Magnetron Sputtering.
S. Salimy, F. Challali, A. Goullet, M -P. Besland, M. Carette, N. Gautier, A. Rhallabi, J P. Landesman, S. Toutain and D. Averty. ECS Solid State Lett. 2013, 2, Q13-Q15
- Impedance and electric modulus study of amorphous TiTaO thin films: highlight of the interphase effect.
A. Rouahi, A. Kahouli, F. Challali, M P. Besland, C. Vallee, B. Yangui, S. Salimy, A. Goullet and A. Sylvestre. J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 2013, 46, 065308
- Electrical characterizations of resistive random access memory devices based on GaV4S8 thin layers.
J. Tranchant, E. Janod, L. Cario, B. Corraze, E. Souchier, J -L. Leclercq, P. Cremillieu, P. Moreau and M -P. Besland. Thin Solid Films 2013, 533, 61-65
- Deposition by radio frequency magnetron sputtering of GaV4S8 thin films for resistive random access memory application.
E. Souchier, M -P. Besland, J. Tranchant, B. Corraze, P. Moreau, R. Retoux, C. Estournes, P. Mazoyer, L. Cario and E. Janod. Thin Solid Films 2013, 533, 54-60
- Electric field induced avalanche breakdown and non-volatile resistive switching in the Mott Insulators AM(4)Q(8).
B. Corraze, E. Janod, L. Cario, P. Moreau, L. Lajaunie, P. Stoliar, V. Guiot, V. Dubost, J. Tranchant, S. Salmon, M -P. Besland, Ta V. Phuoc, T. Cren, D. Roditchev, N. Stephant, D. Troadec and M. Rozenberg. Eur. Phys. J.-Spec. Top. 2013, 222, 1047-1056
- An optimized In-CuGa metallic precursors for chalcopyrite thin films.
Han Jun-feng, Liao Cheng, Jiang Tao, Xie Hua-mu, Zhao Kui and M -P. Besland. Thin Solid Films 2013, 545, 251-256
- Investigation of copper indium gallium selenide material growth by selenization of metallic precursors.
Junfeng Han, Cheng Liao, Tao Jiang, Huamu Xie, Kui Zhao and M -P. Besland. J. Cryst. Growth 2013, 382, 56-60
- Preparation and characterization of ZnS/CdS bi-layer for CdTe solar cell application.
Junfeng Han, Ganhua Fu, V. Krishnakumar, Cheng Liao, Wolfram Jaegermann and M P. Besland. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2013, 74, 1879-1883
Année 2012
- Thermal conductivity of aluminium nitride thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering.
C. Duquenne, M -P. Besland, P Y. Tessier, E. Gautron, Y. Scudeller and D. Averty. J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 2012, 45, 015301
- Dielectric relaxation study of amorphous TiTaO thin films in a large operating temperature range.
A. Rouahi, A. Kahouli, F. Challali, M P. Besland, C. Vallee, S. Pairis, B. Yangui, S. Salimy, A. Goullet and A. Sylvestre. J. Appl. Phys. 2012, 112, 094104
Année 2011
- First evidence of resistive switching in polycrystalline GaV4S8 thin layers.
Emeline Souchier, Laurent Cario, Benoit Corraze, Philippe Moreau, Pascale Mazoyer, Claude Estournes, Richard Retoux, Etienne Janod and Marie-Paule Besland. Phys. Status Solidi-Rapid Res. Lett. 2011, 5, 53-55
- Effect of surface preparation and interfacial layer on the quality of SiO2/GaN interfaces.
E. Al Alam, I. Cortes, M -P. Besland, A. Goullet, L. Lajaunie, P. Regreny, Y. Cordier, J. Brault, A. Cazarre, K. Isoird, G. Sarrabayrouse and F. Morancho. J. Appl. Phys. 2011, 109, 084511
Année 2010
- Investigation of BST thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering in pure Argon.
F. Challali, M P. Besland, D. Benzeggouta, C. Borderon, M C. Hugon, S. Salimy, J C. Saubat, A. Charpentier, D. Averty, A. Goullet and J P. Landesman. Thin Solid Films 2010, 518, 4619-4622
Année 2009
- Influence of Ion Bombardment and Annealing on the Structural and Optical Properties of TiOx Thin Films Deposited in Inductively Coupled TTIP/O-2 Plasma.
Agnes Granier, Thomas Begou, K. Makaoui, Akram Soussou, Bruno Beche, Etienne Gaviot, Marie-Paule Besland and Antoine Goullet. Plasma Process. Polym. 2009, 6, S741-S745
- Dip-coated La2Li2O7 as a buffer layer for growth of Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 films with enhanced (011) orientation.
Chia-Erh Liu, Mireille Richard-Plouet, Marie-Paule Besland, David Albertini, Claude Estournes and Luc Brohan. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2009, 29, 1977-1985
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of AlN films obtained by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition.
Gustavo Sanchez, B. Abdallah, P. Tristant, C. Dublanche-Tixier, M A. Djouadi, M P. Besland, P Y. Jouan and A. Bologna Alles. J. Mater. Sci. 2009, 44, 6125-6134
Année 2008
- Small scale mechanical properties of polycrystalline materials: in situ diffraction studies.
B. Girault, V. Vidal, L. Thilly, P -O. Renault, P. Goudeau, E. LeBourhis, P. Villain-Valat, G. Geandier, J. Tranchant, J -P. Landesman, P -Y. Tessier, B. Angleraud, M -P. Besland, A. Djouadi and F. Lecouturier. Int. J. Nanotechnol. 2008, 5, 609-630
- Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 films on La2Ti2O7 thin films prepared by chemical solution deposition - art. no. 012014.
C E. Liu, M. Richard-Plouet, D. Albertini, M P. Besland, L. Brohan, M W. Finnis, M J. Hoffmann and M. GautierSoyer. Interfacial {Nanostructures} in {Ceramics}: {A} {Multiscale} {Approach} 2008, 93, 12014-12014
- Improvement of dielectric properties of BLT thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering - art. no. 012006.
M P. Besland, C. Borderon, P R J. Barroy, S. Le Tacon, M. Richard-Plouet, D. Averty, P Y. Tessier, H W. Gundel, L. Brohan, M A. Djouadi, M W. Finnis, M J. Hoffmann and M. GautierSoyer. Interfacial {Nanostructures} in {Ceramics}: {A} {Multiscale} {Approach} 2008, 93, 12006-12006
- Integrated optics based on plasma processed dielectric materials.
T. Begou, B. Beche, J P. Landesman, E. Gaviot, A. Soussou, K. Makaoui, M P. Besland, A. Granier, A. Goullet, J D T. Kruschwitz and M J. Ellison. Advances in {Thin}-{Film} {Coatings} for {Optical} {Applications} {V} 2008, 93, 706705
- Epitaxial growth of aluminum nitride on AlGaN by reactive sputtering at low temperature.
C. Duquenne, M A. Djouadi, P Y. Tessier, P Y. Jouan, M P. Besland, C. Brylinski, R. Aubry and S. Delage. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 93, 052905
- Thickness and substrate effects on AlN thin film growth at room temperature.
B. Abdallah, C. Duquenne, M P. Besland, E. Gautron, P Y. Jouan, P Y. Tessier, J. Brault, Y. Cordier and M A. Djouadi. Eur. Phys. J.-Appl. Phys 2008, 43, 309-313
- Impact of magnetron configuration on plasma and film properties of sputtered aluminum nitride thin films.
C. Duquenne, P Y. Tessier, M P. Besland, B. Angleraud, P Y. Jouan, R. Aubry, S. Delage and M A. Djouadi. J. Appl. Phys. 2008, 104, 063301
Année 2007
- Two step reactive magnetron sputtering of BLT thin films.
M P. Besland, C. Borderon, M. Cavellier, S. Le Tacon, M. Richard-Plouet, D. Albertini, D. Averty, P Y. Tessier, H W. Gundel, L. Brohan and M A. Djouadi. Integr. Ferroelectr. 2007, 94, 94-104
- Magnetron Sputtering of Aluminium Nitride Thin Films for Thermal Management.
Cyril Duquenne, Bogdhan Popescu, Pierre-Yves Tessier, Marie-Paule Besland, Yves Scudeller, Christian Brylinski, Sylvain Delage and -Abdou M. Djouadi. Plasma Process. Polym. 2007, 4, S1-S5
- Screen-printed carbon electrode modified on its surface with amorphous carbon nitride thin film: Electrochemical and morphological study.
F. Ghamouss, P -Y. Tessier, A. Djouadi, M -P. Besland and M. Boujtita. Electrochim. Acta 2007, 52, 5053-5061
- Deposition of AlN films by reactive sputtering: Effect of radio frequency substrate bias.
B. Abdallah, A. Chala, P -Y. Jouan, M P. Besland and M A. Djouadi. Thin Solid Films 2007, 515, 7105-7108
- Examination of the electrochemical reactivity of screen printed carbon electrode treated by radio-frequency argon plasma.
F. Ghamouss, P -Y. Tessier, M A. Djouadi, M -P. Besland and M. Boujtita. Electrochem. Commun. 2007, 9, 1798-1804
- Impact of the Cu-based substrates and catalyst deposition techniques on carbon nanotube growth at low temperature by PECVD.
M. Dubosc, S. Casimirius, M -P. Besland, C. Cardinaud, A. Granier, J -L. Duvail, A. Gohier, T. Minea, V. Arnal and J. Torres. Microelectron. Eng. 2007, 84, 2501-2505
Année 2006
- Comparison of lanthanum substituted bismuth titanate (BLT) thin films deposited by sputtering and pulsed laser deposition.
M P. Besland, H D A. Aissa, P R J. Barroy, S. Lafane, P Y. Tessier, B. Angleraud, M. Richard-Plouet, L. Brohan and M A. Djouadi. Thin Solid Films 2006, 495, 86-91
- Characterization of carbon nanotubes and carbon nitride nanofibres synthesized by PECVD.
S. Point, T. Minea, M P. Besland and A. Granier. Eur. Phys. J.-Appl. Phys 2006, 34, 157-163
- Residual stress control in MoCr thin films deposited by ionized magnetron sputtering.
J. Tranchant, B. Angleraud, P Y. Tessier, M P. Besland, J P. Landesman and M A. Djouadi. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2006, 200, 6549-6553
- Low temperature plasma carbon nanotubes growth on patterned catalyst.
M. Dubosc, T. Minea, M P. Besland, C. Cardinaud, A. Granier, A. Gohier, S. Point and J. Torres. Microelectron. Eng. 2006, 83, 2427-2431