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PMN - Enseignant Chercheur

Lombarderie 31 : 39 75

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  • Lecturer (« Maître de Conférences ») in Physics, University of Nantes- Institut Universitaire de Technologie of Nantes
  • Researcher within the group “Physics of Materials and Nanostructures” at the Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel – Nantes (IMN)
  • 1992: PhD in Physics (University of Nantes, France) “"Propriétés vibrationnelles de polyanilines obtenues par synthèses chimique et électrochimique"
  • 1989: Master (DEA) in “Materials Science” (University of Nantes, France)
Research Themes
  • Spectroscopic studies of calcium orthophosphates.
  • Raman scattering and Infrared Absorption spectroscopies.
  • Vibrational properties of nanostructures.
Research Community Activities / Teaching Responsibilities
  • Co-leader of professional license (L3-pro) in « Design, Matériaux and Modélisation » (2013-…)
  • Co-leader of training in department « Science et Génie des Matériaux » of IUT of Nantes
  • Member of direction committee of Institut Universitaire de Technologie (2012-2016)

As of 1/2017 :

40 publications in international peer reviewed journals
9 oral conference presentations, 4 invited seminars, 1 (co)organization of conferences


Publications IMN (since 2006)

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