DEVIC Thomas
ST2E - Chercheur
Lombarderie 31 : 39 35
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- CNRS scientist DR2 (section 15 - Chemistry of materials, nanomaterials and processes)
- Board member the CNRS network CRISTECH (Crystal growth and crystallization,
- 2004-2016: CNRS scientist at the Institute Lavoisier Versailles
- 2003-2004: Postdoctoral associate with S. Lee at Cornell University, USA
- 2013: “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” from Versailles St Quentin University, speciality chemistry of materials
- 2003: Doctoral Thesis from Angers University, speciality solid state molecular chemistry
- 2000: Master Degree from Nantes University, speciality solid state chemistry
- 1997-2001: “Magistere” from Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, speciality physical chemistry
Research Themes
- Hybrid organic-inorganic crystalline materials : synthesis and characterization
- Solid state coordination chemistry
- Hybrid materials for electrochemical energy storage
- In situ studies
Current research projects
- Pari scientifique Régional « New hybrid materials for electrochemical energy storage (Mathyse2) » (2017-2021)
- ANR “Multi-redox porous crystalline hybrid chalcogenides (THIOMOFs)” (2020-2024)
- ITN H2020 “Heating triggered drug release from nanometric inorganic-metal organic framework composites (HeatNMOF)” (2020-2023)
As of 04/2021 :
132 publications in international peer reviewed journals (H-Factor : 60), 4 book chapters
- Selected publications
Porphyrin and phthalocyanine-based metal organic frameworks beyond metal-carboxylates.
Siddhartha De, Thomas Devic and Alexandra Fateeva.
Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 1166-1188
Small-Pore Gallates MOFs for Environmental Applications: Sorption Behaviors and Structural Elucidation of Their High Affinity for CO2.
Nicolas Heymans, Sandrine Bourrelly, Perine Normand, Emily Bloch, Hassan Mkhadder, Lucy Cooper, Martin Gorman, Intissar Bouzidi, Nathalie Guillou, Guy De Weireld and Thomas Devic.
J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 3188-3195
Silicon Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries. Addressing the Challenges through Coordination Chemistry.
Thomas Devic, Bernard Lestriez and Lionel Roue.
Acs Energy Letters 2019, 4, 550-557
Adaptability of the metal(III,IV) 1,2,3-trioxobenzene rod secondary building unit for the production of chemically stable and catalytically active MOFs.
Georges Mouchaham, Brian Abeykoon, Monica Gimenez-Marquez, Sergio Navalon, Andrea Santiago-Portillo, Maame Affram, Nathalie Guillou, Charlotte Martineau, Hermenegildo Garcia, Alexandra Fateeva and Thomas Devic.
Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 7661-7664
A Flexible Fluorescent Zr Carboxylate Metal-Organic Framework for the Detection of Electron-Rich Molecules in Solution.
Paul Rouschmeyer, Nathalie Guillou, Christian Serre, Gilles Clavier, Charlotte Martineau, Pierre Audebert, Erik Elkaim, Clemence Allain and Thomas Devic.
Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 8423-8429
- Selected book chapters
The potential of MOFs in the field of electrochemical energy storage.
T. Devic, Metal-Organic Frameworks in Biomedical and Environmental Field,
Ed. P. Horcajada and S. Rojas Macias, Springer Nature 2021, 111-154.