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Professor in Chemistry of materials at University of Nantes"
Chair of Fuel-cell group of "Institut des Matériaux de Jean Rouxel" (IMN).
Director of the "HySPàC" research grouping n°3652 from CNRS
Major Research Interests:
My main research interests are in the development of new oxide materials for technological applications, including High Temperature fuel cells (SOFC and PCFC). Particular focus in recent years has been the development of new electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cell materials, with very promising results being observed for novel brownmillerite-type oxide ion and proton conductors. In addition to this work in this area, my group also has ongoing research in the development of anode and cathode and the realization and testing of complete cells.
Expertise: High temperature Fuel Cells (SOFC) and electrolysers (SOEC), Solid state and materials chemistry, Synthesis (Solid state and combustion methods) and characterization of ceramic materials (X-ray diffraction, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Thermal analysis…), Fuel cell performance testing
- 89 publications (J. of Power Sources, International J. of Hydrogen Energy, Solid State Ionics, Catalysis Today, Fuel Cells, Adv. Mater, Angew. Chem …), 15 invited talks…
- 5 patents
Brief Bio:
Olivier JOUBERT is presently full professor in Chemistry of Materials and is Chair of Fuel Cell group of "Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (CNRS-IMN)". This lab is a Joint Research Unit between CNRS (The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique which is the French national science organization employing a scientific staff of 10 000 people) & Nantes University with approximately 150 people. CNRS-IMN is dedicated to fundamental and applied research in the fields of materials physics and solid state chemistry. The major research interests of professor JOUBERT revolve around development of new materials for technological applications such as high and intermediate temperature ceramic oxide fuel cells (SOFC and PCFC), electrolysers… He is a solid state chemist and his research activities involve development of new oxide materials like, novel perovskite-type ion and proton conductors and anode for SOFC working under natural gas. Olivier Joubert is chairing the HySPàC research grouping which assembles all French academic research groups in the field of production and storage of hydrogen and also fuel cell and electrolysers. The total size of HySPàC ( is about 108 laboratories mainly from the CNRS (national center of scientific research, and CEA (a French government-funded technological research organization, His group is part of "HySPàC" and is involved in many national and european projects around SOFC technology. He is also the main organizer of the International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications (IDHEA) held in Nantes in 2014 (next in November 2016).
5 most significant publications:
Crystal structure of low-temperature form of bismuth-vanadium oxide determined by Rietveld refinement of X-ray and neutron diffraction data (a-Bi4V2O11)
O. Joubert, A. Jouanneaux and M. Ganne
Mat. Res. Bull. 2, 29 (1994).
Structural and transport properties of a new class of oxide ion conductors: Nd4[Ga2(1-x)M2xO7+x¨1-x]O2 (M = Ti, Ge)
O. Joubert, A. Magrez, A. Chesnaud, M. T. Caldes, V. Jayaraman, Y. Piffard, L. Brohan,
Solid State Sciences 4, 1413-1418 (2002).
Incorporation of water and fast proton conduction in the inherently oxygen deficient compound La26O27¨(BO3)8
S. Noirault, S. Célérier, O. Joubert, M. T. Caldes and Y. Piffard
Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 867–870 (2007)
Validation of BaIn0.3Ti0.7O2.85 as SOFC Electrolyte with Nd2NiO4, LSM and LSCF as cathodes
M. Letilly, A. Le Gal La Salle, M. Caldes, M. Marrony, and O. Joubert
Fuel Cells, 9(5), 622-629(2009)
Metallic Nanoparticles and Proton Conductivity: Improving Proton Conductivity of BaCe0.9Y0.1O3−δ using a Catalytic Approach
M. T. Caldes, K. V. Kravchyk, M. Benamira, N. Besnard, V. Gunes, O. Bohnke, and O. Joubert
Chem. Mater., 24, 4641−4646 (2012)