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CUENOT Stephane

CUENOT Stephane

PMN - Enseignant Chercheur    

Lombarderie 31 : 64 21

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  • Associate Professor (« Maître de Conférences », 28th section “Condensed Matter”) at University of Nantes (Polytech Nantes)
  • Researcher within the group « Physics of Materials and Nanostructures » at the Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel – Nantes (IMN)  
  • 2003: PhD in Applied Physics (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium) “Reduced-size effect on the elastic modulus of nanomaterials: measurement using AFM-based methods”
Research Themes
  • Measurement of mechanical properties by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): Nanomechanics
  • Molecular recognition by AFM force spectroscopy with functionalized tips
  • Modelling of nano- and micro-object assembly mechanisms (Monte-Carlo, Finite element method …)

As of 5/2016 :

  • 33 publications in international peer reviewed journals (H-Factor : 14)
  • 2 book chapters
  • 4 invited talks at national/international conferences, 19 oral conference presentations, 4 invited seminars, 2 (co)organisation of conferences


Publications IMN (since 2006)

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