CARIO Laurent
PMN - Chercheur
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- Research Director DR2 CNRS (Section 15 – Solid state Chemistry)
- Researcher in the group ‘Physics of Materials and Nanostructures’ at the Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel – Nantes (IMN)
- Coordinator of the project “Neuro-Mott“
Qualifications / Cursus
- 2011: « Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches » (higher PhD) from Nantes University, speciality Materials science.
- 1998-2000 : Associate Researcher in Cornell University (USA) with Frank DiSalvo, Ithaca, New-York State.
- 1995-98: Doctoral Thesis, Université de Nantes:" Stability and charge transfer in misfit layer compounds (LnS)1+xTS2 "
Thèmes de recherche / Research Themes
- Solid State chemistry and physics.
- Design of new chalcogenide compounds with non-conventional electronic properties.
- Resistive switching in chalcogenide Mott Insulators. Application for non-volatile memories (RRAM/ Memristors) or as new neuromorphic components.
- P-type transparent semiconductors – optoelectronic applications.
Animation de la recherche / Research Community Activities - Teaching Responsibilities
- 2014-2018 : Coordinator of the project Neuro-Mott (pari scientifique région pays de la Loire).
- 2009-2013 : Coordinator of the multi-partner ANR project NanoMott.
- 2005-2016 : Participant in 5 ANR projects and 3 SATT maturation projects.
- Committee Member « GDR- Meeticcs » (2016-)
- Committee Member « GDR BioComp » (2015-)
- Co-organiser conference SPSSM 2016.
As of 11/2016:
- 110 publications
- 5 patents
- 28 invited conferences.
- 1 book chapter
Online Resources
(to be done / ORCID / RESEARCHER-ID).