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MIOPS - Chercheur

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  • CNRS researcher (CR1 section 15).
  • Researcher in the group “Innovative Materials for Optical, Photovoltaics and Storage” at the Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel of Nantes (IMN).
  • 2005-16 : CNRS researcher in the laboratory “Physique de la Matière Condensée (PMC)” at the Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau, in the group of T. Gacoin.
  • 2005 : Postdoctoral position at the University of Barcelona (ICMAB) in the group of Prof. C. Rovira.
  • 2003-05: Postdoctoral position at Cornell University (USA) in the group of Prof. F. DiSalvo.
  • 2015: ‘Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches’ from Versailles St-Quentin University, speciality Inorganic Chemistry.
  • 2000-03: Ph.D. of Ecole Polytechnique at Nantes and Angers Universities, speciality Molecular Materials, in the group of P. Batail.
  • 2000: Master degree “Chimie Avancée de l’Etat Solide“ at Nantes University.
Research Themes
  • Photoluminescent molecular materials
  • Stimuli-responsive materials (mechanochromism, thermochromism, vapochromism…)
  • Transition metal molecular clusters
  • Copper(I) coordination chemistry

As of 1/2017 :

  • 54 publications in international peer reviewed journals.
  • 1 Patent.
  • 20 national/international conference presentations.



Publications IMN (since 2016)

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