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Directeur de l'IMN


Lombarderie 31 : 39 24

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Fonctions actuelles - Currently
  • Director of IMN
  • CNRS senior researcher DR2 (Section15 - Chimie des matériaux, nanomatériaux et procédés)
  • Researcher within the ST2E group “Electrochemical storage and conversion of energy (ST2E)” at the Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel – Nantes (IMN
  • 2007: “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” from Nantes University
  • 1990-93: PhD thesis, Nantes University “Etude du comportement anharmonique des ions d10 (Ag+, Cd2+, Zn2+) dans des chalcogénures ternaires et quaternaires.”
Thèmes de recherche - Research themes
  • DFT modeling and simulation of various spectroscopies: NMR, EELS, XAS
  •  Electronic Structure calculations applied to battery materials
Animation de la recherche - Research Community Activities
  • Scientific committee member of GDR REST (2015-2018)

As of 01/2018

  • 90 publications in international peer reviewed journals (H-Factor : 27 – source Google Scholar)
  • 10 invited talks at national/international conferences, 8(co)organisation of conferences
Ressources en ligne - Online ressources

ResearcherID : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-7408-2012
Researchgate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Florent_Boucher
Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=eNSComAAAAAJ&hl


Publications IMN (since 2006)


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