Innovative materials for optics, photovoltaic and storage (MIOPS) group
The MIOPS group is a multidisciplinary team composed of both chemists and physicists, from experimental or theoretical backgrounds. Our aim is to find new materials, with optical, optoelectronic, vibrational and magnetic properties of interest. We synthesize ourselves inorganic or hybrid compounds, which are then characterized mostly in house. The studies are always carried out with optimization of the properties in mind through rationalization of the physical and chemical parameters which govern the phenomenon of interest.
Our research is conducted either as pure fundamental work or through industrial partnerships. It has three major orientations: "Oxides for optoelectronics and magnetism", "Chalcogenides: crystallochemistry and photovoltaics", and " Photo-active hybrid materials ". The potential applications are many, and extend from pigments to UV absorbers, transparent conductive materials, IR reflectors, with special attention to X-chromic (X = temperature, pressure, solvent, gas) and luminescent materials, …). At present, a strong effort is put more specifically on photo-luminescent and photochromic materials, photochemical conversion, photovoltaic conversion, and passive optics for detection ("smart-pigments" for example).
Our areas of expertise are:
• the synthesis of new inorganic and organic-inorganic hybrid materials (ceramic or soft chemistry; e.g. oxides, alumino-silicates, chalcogenides, hybrids based on polyoxometallates, coordination polymers and POMS, hybrid perovskites, molecular materials, nano-heterostructures)
• the structural characterization of crystallized materials and glass-ceramics (performed on powders or single crystals by X-ray diffraction, non-harmonicity, resonant scattering, PDF analyzes, amorphous quantification, electron diffraction (PEDT))
• the determination of the optical properties of synthetic materials and gems (UV-visible to infrared absorption, luminescence, time-resolved photoluminescence, Raman)
• the characterization of the magnetic properties of solids and the identification of the topology of interactions
• the study of chemical bonding via the calculation of electronic structures, the ab initio modelling of optical properties (complex refractive index, absorption and emission spectra including vibronic structures), the determination of the impact of point defects on the opto-electronics properties
• the design and manufacture of photovoltaic devices based on thin layers of chalcogenides and oxides, their structural and optoelectronic characterizations. The growth techniques for thin films are (co)evaporation, sputtering and growth in aqueous solution.