locked59 Intranet



Florent Pawula

NOW: Thursday, 23 May 2024 14:00 - 16:00

Place: Amphi IMN Lombarderie

Jeudi 23 mai à 14h00

A Multifaceted Odyssey: Exploring the Seas of Solid State Matter

Florent PAWULA

Institut des Matériaux Nantes

Résumé :

Embark with the matteronauts on a journey through the diverse world of material sciences. I will share a segment of my research pathway, spanning from France to Japan via Canada. Initially, I will introduce Ruthenium Oxides, elucidating the intricate structure-property relationships through the application of physical probes. Following this, I will present the synthesis of hybrid halide perovskite single crystals, with a thorough investigation of their crystallographic structure, including the positioning of organic molecules. Lastly, I will illustrate the utility of machine learning as a valuable tool in our research endeavors, by an example of improving a targeted property of Chalcogenide materials through process optimization.

Keywords : transport, magnetism, crystallography, machine learning, oxides, hybrid perovskites, chalcogenides, etc.

Contact : Jean Le Bideau (PMN)



All Dates

  • Thursday, 23 May 2024 14:00 - 16:00
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