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ST2E - Enseignant Chercheur

chantrerie ETMPA : 31 73

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Fonctions actuelles / Current

  • Since 2024: Vice-Dean in charge of Research and International Partnerships, Polytech Nantes
  • Since 2023: Chair Division 3 (Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage)Chair Division 3 (Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage) International Society of Electrochemistry
  • Since 2012: Associate Editor for Journal of the Electrochemical Society (Battery technology)
  • Since 2010: Senior Scientist and CTO of ERIMAT (BO Capacités SAS)

Fonctions precedents / Before

  • 2013-2020: Vice-Dean in charge of technology transfer at the University of Nantes
  • 1999-2019: Elected at the National Council of the Universities (CNU section 33)
  • 2005-2011: Director of Laboratoire de Génie des Matériaux et Procédés Associés (LGMPA - EA2664)
  • 2010-2013: President of the evaluation committee of National Research Agency (ANR) call for proposal STOCK-E and PROGELEC


  • Engineer degree from ISMRa-ENSI Caen (1987)
  • PhD from University of Caen (High Tc superconductive thin films)
  • HDR from University of Nantes (functional thin films for energy storage)
  • Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Since 2022)

Thèmes de recherche (Research Themes)

  • Supercapacitors: from materials (pseudocapacitive oxides and nitrides, functionalized carbons) to devices (asymmetric supercapacitors, hybrid devices)
  • Microdevices for energy storage: microbatteries (Li-ion, metal-air,...), microsupercapacitors

Animation de la recherche (Research Community Activities / Teaching Responsibilities)

  • Co-coordinator of Capacitive storage area for RS2E (http://www.energie-rs2e.com/en/organisation-chart)
  • Member of the Global Innovation in Research Program at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • In charge of supercapacitor topic in the team ST2E at IMN


  • 230 publications in international peer reviewed journals (H-Factor : 39 - source Google Scholar)
  • 12 book chapters
  • 8 patents
  • 66 invited talks at national/international conferences, 46 oral conference presentations, 36 invited seminars,
    12 (co)organisations of conferences

Ressources en ligne / Online ressources

ResearcherID : ORCID 0000-0003-2243-8508
ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thierry_Brousse
Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ITua4w4AAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao
Site web perso : https://www.linkedin.com/in/thierry-brousse-a050559a/

Publications IMN (since 2006)

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