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ST2E - Enseignant Chercheur   

Lombarderie 31 : 39 27

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Fonctions actuelles / Currently
  • Assistant Professor at the University of Nantes (polymers and composite materials)
  • Within the group « Electrochemical storage and conversion of energy » at the Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel – Nantes (IMN), coordinator of the Lithium Batteries » group within the IMN (With P. Poizot)
  • 2013: « Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches » (higher PhD) from Nantes University, speciality Chemistry of Materials.
  • 1996-00: Doctoral Thesis, INSA de Lyon University: " Matériaux Polymères et Composites "
Thèmes de recherche / Research Themes
  • Formulation and processing of composite materials for lithium batteries
  • Mechanical, electrical, and electrochemical properties of electrodes and electrolytes
  • Polymer-based materials
Animation de la recherche / Research Community Activities - Teaching Responsibilities

In charge of several public (TOURS 2015, EUROLIION, CALICE, PEPITE) and private (UMCORE, RENAULT, SOLVAY, BLUE SOLUTION, SAFT, ARMOR) research projects for the IMN


As of 7/2015:

  • 70 publications in international peer reviewed journals
  • 3 book chapters
  • 15 patents
  • Since (2004), 15 invited talks at national/international conferences, 11 oral conference presentations, 11 invited seminars, 2 (co)organisation of conferences
Ressources en ligne / Online Ressources

Researchgate : http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bernard_Lestriez

Publications IMN (since 2006)

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