PCM - Chercheur
Responsable Equipe
Lombarderie 31 : 39 56
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- Since 2018 : Directrice de recherche CNRS at the Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, in Nantes in the Plasma and Thin films groupe, PCM,
- Since 2019 : Head of PCM group
And before
- 2003-2018 : Chargé de recherche CNRS at the Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, in Nantes in the CESES group
- 1995-2002 : Chargé de recherche CNRS at the Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, in the Groupe des Matériaux Inorganiques
- 19941995 : Post-doctoral researcher at the Laboratoire de Recherche sur les tissus calcifiés. "Caractérisation de matériaux de substitution osseux, avant et après implantation chez l'animal, par diffraction électronique et microscopie électronique à transmission"
- 2011 : habilitation à diriger des recherches
- 1994 : PhD of the université de Nantes, “Synthèse, caractérisation et échange acido-basique de perovskites feuilletées : A2Ln2Ti3O10 (A=Na, K, Ln=Y, La, Nd)." Supervised by Dr Luc Brohan at the Institut des Matériaux de Nantes.
Research Themes
- Nanocomposite thin films by coupling Chemistry in solution and Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition
- Characterisations of nanostructured solids and thin films by XPS
- Raman, X-Rays diffraction, Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Transition metal oxides by chimie douce (soft chemistry) for applications opto-electronic applications
- Colloidal solutions of oxides and processing as thin films by chemical route
Research Community Activities
- Co- and supervision of 21 doctors since 1998
- Involvement in ANR (National Agency of Research) projects with industrial partnership
- Member of the scientific committee of the Research Federation FR 2050 Photoelectron spectroscopy
- Member of the scientific committee of the Group of Research, GDR HPero (2017-2022)
- Member of the Committee for Electron Spectroscopies representing the Nord-West part of France since 2016
- Member of the local committee in Nantes, at the Ecole Doctorale ED3PML and then ED3M including pre-examination for the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches since 2015
2000 : Bronze medal of the CNRS, young researcher award
From 2024/07/23 :
- 113 articles in international revues (WOS h-Factor : 31)
- 2 patents with international extensions :
Brohan L., Karpinski A., Richard-Plouet M., Berson S., Guillerez S., Barret M., CNRS-CEA, Ardège, Patents FR N°11 58275, (16/09/2011), PCT|EP2012|067 N°WO 2013/050222 A1 (11/04/ 2013), US-2015-0024539-A1 (22/01/2015) , JP, China CN 104245591 A (24/12/2014), , South Korea.
Luc Brohan, Mireille Richard-Plouet, Moustafa El Kass, Noëlla Lemaitre, Solenn Berson, FR1 65021 6
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