locked59 Intranet





PMN - Enseignant Chercheur
Site web perso

Lombarderie 31 :  39 96

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Fonctions actuelles / Currently
  • University Lecturer in Nantes University
  • Researcher at IMN Institute
  • PhD in Physical Chemistry (2000)
  • Engineer in Chemistry from Rennes School (1996)
Themes de recherche / Research Themes
  • Physico-chemical characterization of inorganic food additives (TiO2, silver, calcium phosphates...) and determination of their fate in the gastro-intestinal tract
  • Comprehensive study of the interactions between TiO2 and biomolecules / phosphated molecules
  • Synthesis and characterization of photosensitive sols and gels based on titanium oxides for the conception of solar cells and photobatteries
  • Characterization of colloidal suspensions through size and zeta potential measurements
Animation de la recherche / Research Community Activities - Teaching Responsibilities
  • Head of the first year of Master A3M (Analysis, Molecules, Materials, Medicines)
  • 25 publications in international peer reviewed journals, 1 patent
  • Since 2006, 34 oral conference presentations
Ressources en ligne / Online Resources

Researchgate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Helene-Terrisse

ORCID : 0000-0002-9338-6939


Publications IMN (since 2006)

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