Material engineering and metallurgy (ID2M) group
The research activities of the ID2M group focus on:
- the fabrication of new materials
- the chemical, structural, mechanical and thermal characterisation of materials
- the analysis of the material behaviour from the nano- to the macro-scale
Staff: 10 academic staff, 8 PhD students, 4 post-docs
Our approach is essentially experimental: it consists in improving the material properties by adjusting the fabrication process, and hence the microstructure. Our research can be fundamental or applicative. It is based on fundamental knowledge of materials, advanced characterisation methods and implementation of numerical simulation when needed.
Our research is in close connection with the teaching activities at the University of Nantes (including Polytech Nantes):
- Welding,
- Metallurgy,
- Materials Engineering,
- Thermal Engineering,
- Technologies of Information and Communication
Our research activity is divided into three categories:
1. Degradation of materials, Metallurgy, Materials Engineering
- Metals
- Welding metallurgy
- Ceramics
2. Materials for Thermal and Mechanical Engineering
- Coatings and Interfacial Materials
- Porous materials
- Diagnosis of Materials and Systems
3. Materials and Environment
- Physics and Chemistry of Building Materials
- Environmental Impact of Materials and Infrastructures