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Electro-optic nanocomposites

O. Chauvet

Electro-optical polymers (EOP) obtained by dispersing a chromophore in a polymer matrix are of great interest for the development of high performance photonic devices. However, their performance is limited by aging.
As part of Zahraa Jradi's PhD work, we are exploring the effect of adding nanoparticles to EOP to improve performance on the one hand, to reduce the aging effect on the other hand. The polymer chosen is the PMMA / DR1 system. The nanocomposites are formed with TiO2 or BaTiO3 nanoparticles.

To go further : [PMMA/DR1/TiO2 nanocomposites]

Other people involved : 
Z. Jradi ().
 Keywords : 
Electro-optic polymer, nanocomposites.
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